
My wife, Judy and I served as missionaries for 32 years with New Tribes Mission. We ministered in Colombia, South America for 25 years, 15 of which were spent living among a tribal group. We learned their language and culture in order to be able to share God’s Word with them.
We were forced from our home in the jungle by revolutionaries, which led us to four different cities in Colombia, challenging Colombian believers to reach the many unreached tribal groups in their own country. When our youngest daughter contracted leukemia, we returned to the United States, where she later went to be with the Lord.
We ministered in Mexico for the next two years and then came to live here in Florida. We have four children and 13 grandchildren.

I take opportunities to present the many truths of the tabernacle at schools and churches, along with other locations. I dress in the full Levitical priest apparel. I describe the meaning of each piece of clothing and what it symbolizes, along with demonstrating how the articles and ceremonies of the tabernacle foreshadow the coming of Yeshua, our Messiah.